Saturday, October 3, 2009


Here in Dessau everyone cycles. As far as I've heard, bikes are the only things that actually get stolen around here, which is a sign of their status as far as desirability is concerned. Up until Wednesday Niel and I walked everywhere, but we eventually gave in to the peer pressure and the desire to not be left behind and walked past the MacDonalds to where we'd been told a small second-hand bicycle shop hides

Niel found this really cool bike. It looks like an old racing bike. I really love the leather seat

My bike is the lady version.. and it's watermelon pink, yei. I have a cute basket on the back for all our shopping


Today is Saturday 3 October 2009, it's the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Everything in town is closed so we went cycling through the woods that we stay across from. There many very old trees and it's very beautiful. We can't wait to see the landscape covered in snow! Not too sure about the accompanying drop in temperature though

It's only the first week of autumn and I am already freezing. Apparently the temperature drops to -27 degrees celsius in winter


  1. your very own bicycle. im so jealous.

    glad you're having such a super time. happiness *

  2. Love the bikes.
    Love the shoes.
    Love the outfits.

    Miss you!

  3. Nice but what about the studies?
