Friday, October 30, 2009

Autumn in Dessau

We thought winter was here, but after a month of freezing cold the trees are only now starting to show signs of winter coming. Everywhere we go, trees are either in fancy dress yellowy pinky hues or almost in the nude, strutting their twigs, waiting for the winter snow

The trees outside our house are following the trend

Even the small, shy apple tree across the cobbled road is flaunting the winter look
*the remaining pink apples account for the pink blush in the bottom half of the leaves

This year orange has been replaced with abundant  yellows, reds following closely behind, but it seems blushy pinks have surpassed all as the it  colour of the season

Across the road from our abode, Niel takes on the pedestrian walkway with his two-wheeled terror

That street in there where cars are parked, that's our Heinz-Röttger-Straße

This is pastiche. Niel put it nicely by saying "They copied the style, but none of the charm." A horribly obvious attempt at copying the Bauhaus, down the road from the Bauhaus. And don't be fooled by the red balconies - they're that colour all year round, not only in autumn..

The campus square is still under construction - terrazzo flooring takes time

Riding by

A pretty pretty pretty tree in front of one of the university buildings

No more shelter for the bicycles
(Mama, die klein huisie agter is 'n quilt winkeltjie)

Boukunde: building 8, Masters of Architecture building
It took us a while to realise that they barely ever need to switch on any lights. Even the main auditorium's back wall is glass. The toilets have lights.. phew!

Berry nice. It's amazing how many trees here carry fruit. These four trees each have a different fruit: red berries, cherries  or crab apples

So pretty!

*okay bye bye

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